Usage Classification Of Accelerator’promoter

- May 03, 2018-

Mechanism and effect: vulcanization accelerator referred to as accelerator. Substances that promote vulcanization. Can shorten the curing time of rubber or reduce the curing temperature, reduce the amount of curing agent and improve the physical and mechanical properties of rubber. Can be divided into two categories of inorganic accelerators and organic accelerators. Among inorganic accelerators, except zinc oxide, magnesium oxide and lead oxide, which are used in small amounts, the rest are mainly used as accelerators. Most of the organic accelerators are used. various kinds. Some vulcanization accelerators have bitterness (such as vulcanization accelerator M), some make the product discolored (such as vulcanization accelerator D), and some vulcanization (such as vulcanization accelerator TT), some have both anti-aging effect or plastic Solution function (such as vulcanization accelerator M) and so on.

Speed of action: According to the speed of action, it can be divided into slow speed, medium speed, medium speed, speed, super speed and other accelerators. In addition, there are after-effect accelerators. Mainly nitrogen-containing and sulfur-containing organic compounds, aldehydes (such as vulcanization accelerator H), hydrazines (such as vulcanization accelerator D), thiurams (such as vulcanization accelerator TT), thiazoles (such as vulcanization) Accelerators M), dithiocarbamates (eg vulcanization accelerator ZDMC), xanthogenates (eg vulcanization accelerator ZBX), thioureas (eg vulcanization accelerator NA-22), sulfenamides (such as vulcanization accelerator CZ) and so on. It is generally used individually or in combination depending on the circumstances.